Recent Loan: Arcadia Frank Lloyd Wright Inspired Home

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4357 N 66thArizona is well known for it’s Frank Lloyd Wright architecture, both the inspired and those directly made by him as well.  Our borrower found a gorgeous Frank Lloyd Wright inspired home in Arcadia, located on a large lot.  She came to Capital Fund I looking to close quickly and get started on updating the home’s interior, and repair the exterior’s stucco and give it a fresh new paint.

As soon as the repairs and updates are completed, the home will be used as a luxury vacation rental, as well as marketing it for senior living.

Our borrower was very pleased with how easy it was to work with us, and is excited to do more business with us in the future.

  • Loan Amount: $1,000,000
  • Term: 24-months
  • Interest Rate: 12.9%
  • Asset Type: Single Family Residential
  • Loan Type: Buy and Hold Loan