Most Loans Have a 24-Hour Turnaround
We know how stressful it can be to wait for an answer while a great home deal is slipping away. That’s why our simple three-step process is designed to get you an answer in less than 24 hours. All of our fix-and-flip loans are asset-based and do not require a standard credit check or income verification. This cuts down on the time it takes for us to review your loan application and get you an answer.
Your Loan is Approved – Now What?
Once you’ve been approved for a loan through Capital Fund 1, you will be furnished with a letter of funding. This is your ticket to trustee’s sales, auctions, and more.
Many companies require proof of funding before you can even make an offer on properties that you’re interested in as a means of keeping people from blocking other investors out of the market. Sellers want to be sure that once you’ve placed your bid, you’re serious about buying, and your letter of approval from us proves that you have what it takes to close the deal.